Thursday, November 17, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I'm Back :-)
No, I didn't make those cute little cupcakes up there. But I thought they were just ADORADBLE!
Anyway, I'm not here to talk cupcakes! LOL. LurlynnCrochet has had a rather long and unplanned hiatus. There's just been a lot going on around the Crochet household, but have no fear, I'm back! Just wanted to let all ya'll know :-)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Music Monday: "Lonesome Dove" and "The Dance" by Garth Brooks
Ok, so this is the best YouTube video I could find of this song. There was one video that actually had Garth Brooks singing the song, but it had some pics on it that I didn't want on my blog. If you want to hear the "real" version, go to YouTube and minimize the video. That aside, this cover is pretty true to the original :-)
This song makes me swoon! I know that sounds a little ridiculous, but it's true! The Crochet family are still fans of Garth, but back in the day, you know, waaaaay back when my parents were dating, newly weds, and had young kids, we listened to Garth a lot! That being the early 90s could have something to do with it :-) Anyway, my parents went to a Garth concert when my mom was pregnant with me, so I guess I'm destined to always have a little bit of Garth in my musical diet!
I just have to share another real quick Garth/Crochet family story. Moma was pregnant with me "The Dance" came out on the radio. She was sit and listen to it and cry, and watch the music video and cry. So now, I watch the video and cry!
When my dad was younger he looked A LOT like Garth Brooks. So much so, that when he'd often have to travel to OK City for work he at least daily have someone ask him if he was Garth Brooks or at least tell him how much he looked like the Country star!
Ok...enough rambling :-) Do ya'll have a favorite Garth song?
This song makes me swoon! I know that sounds a little ridiculous, but it's true! The Crochet family are still fans of Garth, but back in the day, you know, waaaaay back when my parents were dating, newly weds, and had young kids, we listened to Garth a lot! That being the early 90s could have something to do with it :-) Anyway, my parents went to a Garth concert when my mom was pregnant with me, so I guess I'm destined to always have a little bit of Garth in my musical diet!
I just have to share another real quick Garth/Crochet family story. Moma was pregnant with me "The Dance" came out on the radio. She was sit and listen to it and cry, and watch the music video and cry. So now, I watch the video and cry!
When my dad was younger he looked A LOT like Garth Brooks. So much so, that when he'd often have to travel to OK City for work he at least daily have someone ask him if he was Garth Brooks or at least tell him how much he looked like the Country star!
Ok...enough rambling :-) Do ya'll have a favorite Garth song?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Purity Takes Precedence: Modesty Fashion Show, PTP 2011
(Photo Credit: JBenavides)
I'm about 3 weeks late posting this, but I got home from Polishing the Pulpit and life happened! Anyway... This year I was so blessed with to opportunity of helping organize and model in the Modesty Fashion Show at PTP! Before talking about the actual event, I'd like to rewind a few weeks and reminisce on how this opportunity even came my way.
About 3 or 4 weeks before the event, we received our PTP booklet in the mail. I was flipping through and noticed that Cindy Colley was doing a Modesty Fashion Show!
"Why don't you send Mrs. Cindy a message and let her know you'll help out?" Moma suggested.
So that's what I did.
The basic gist of the message was, "Hey, I'd like to help out any way I can. Here's my number. Let me know what I can do." Well, Cindy and I set up a time to talk on the phone, and lo and behold, she was willing to basically hand the project over to me! For those of you who aren't familiar with the Colley family, Hannah (Glenn and Cindy's daughter) was married this summer. So of course, the Colley family had a BUSY summer! Cindy also had 16 sessions at PTP! Yes, one week, 16 sessions. Needless to say, she was one busy lady!
Back to the phone conversation... Cindy would be the final say in anything that went for the MFS, but I was the administrative assistant. Well, when she handed this honor to me, she asked, "Do you think you can handle this? Is it too much?" Well, of course when given the opportunity to help out with a fashion show, I am NOT going to say no! My answer was, "Yes, I can do this!" while the little voice inside my head was saying, "Lori Lynn, are you downright crazy? You know NOTHING about organizing a Modesty Fashion Show! And this is PTP. There are going to be a LOT of ladies there. If you mess up, you're going to make Cindy Colley look bad. You are crazy!"
Well, I told that little voice to be quite.
God uses many different opportunities to grow us. Sometimes they're thrust upon us and we have no choice but to endure, others are thrust upon us, but we have the choice to say yes or no. I am so thankful that I said yes!
The next few weeks were crazy busy! Working, babysitting on my days off, getting Rodge ready to leave for school, teaching a Wednesday night Bible class, getting ready for PTP on top of getting everything together for the MFS was very ... interesting :-) Let's just say that those were the busiest weeks of my life! Mrs. Cindy was so great about answering my questions! I REALLY wanted to represent her well, but I didn't feel that I could do that without calling her every 5 minutes :-)
Finally, the week before PTP had arrived and it was time to put together a slide show, and I came down with a really bad I-don't-feel-like-moving sinus infection. JenBen came to my rescue! I sent Mrs. Cindy my bare bones slide show and JenBen really made it look beautiful!
Thankfully, I was well before it came time to leave for PTP. Friday night I got to meet many of the models for the first time!
(Photo Credit: Kara M.)
I had been keeping up with all the models on Facebook, but most of them I had never met in person. Honestly, that was probably the scariest part for me, planning something like this with people I've never met! Everyone was great! They did so much better than I could've asked!
Saturday finally came, and time was ever nearing for the MFS. We gathered in our changing station, ear to the door waiting for the runway music to begin. It was thrilling! And also a little strange. The point of the MFS was to show a "before" aka, immodest and then an "after" aka, modest. Well, my before was a too short, strapless dress. I'm not going to lie, it was very strange going up on stage in front of 300 women wearing something that covered about as much as being wrapped up in a beach towel. (**Note** There were ONLY ladies in the room while the MFS was going on). The "after" though, was much more comfortable :-)
Saturday finally came, and time was ever nearing for the MFS. We gathered in our changing station, ear to the door waiting for the runway music to begin. It was thrilling! And also a little strange. The point of the MFS was to show a "before" aka, immodest and then an "after" aka, modest. Well, my before was a too short, strapless dress. I'm not going to lie, it was very strange going up on stage in front of 300 women wearing something that covered about as much as being wrapped up in a beach towel. (**Note** There were ONLY ladies in the room while the MFS was going on). The "after" though, was much more comfortable :-)
There was so much positive response from the MFS! Here are some comments shared with me on Facebook:
Meagan (one of the models): "I really enjoy doing things that may be out of my comfort zone and that was definitely one of those things. haha. But I actually learned so much doing it.
You would think that as a model, I would always know how to dress and cover up, but the truth is that us girls are probably the worst at judging that. It really made me see that we can't always trust our judgement and sometimes the best thing to do is to ask a brother or father. The whole reason we dress modestly is to help our brothers not to stumble, so it should be THEIR opinion that matters, not ours. Girls and guys think very differently, so it makes sense that sometimes what we may think is modest may cause them to sin. That's why we have to be SO careful!"
Sharla: "I LOVED the fashion show! I learned so much! I usually cry when shopping for clothes, but not anymore! ... I now look at shopping for clothes as a fun challenge instead of punishment :) ... I was really excited about all the different things that we could make modest."
Cindy F: "I appreciate the fact that the one-piece bathing suit was shown as immodest. You wouldn't believe the number of Christian women I know who think it's modest. Anyway, loved the whole show!"
Diane: "I LOVED everything about it! And especially the finale with the wedding dress; as this is becoming an ongoing look on Facebook and an "ignorant" ?? view of thinking this is modest and appropriate for one day... I think not."
I have truly been blessed by this experience! God has helped me grow so much through this! And now, if anyone wants to put on a MFS and need help, email me, I'll gladly help you out!
After Polishing the Pulpit, I was reading in the September 2011 issue of THINK, there was a quote that really reminded me of my experience with the MFS, "General Schwarzkopf, the commander of Operation Desert Storm, was once quoted saying, 'When placed in command ... take charge!'"
When God places you in command of a situation...take charge of it!
I'd like to personally thank all the models in the MFS...
Marrisa T.
Meagan T.
Mattianne S.
Miriam S.
Alyssa C.
Natalie H.
Emily A.
Holly S.
Rosa W.
Kara M.
Jessica B.
Song N.
Ya'll did a wonderful job! Thank ya'll so much for agreeing to be in the Modesty Fashion Show!
Thank you Jennifer B. for the lovely slide show! You literally rescued me!
Thank you Mattianne, Melissa, Kara, and Cindy for helping me figure out who to ask to be in the MFS.
Thank you Gratt T. for putting together the music for the MFS! It really kicked the level of greatness up a notch!
Thank you Mrs. Cindy, for overseeing and presenting the MFS! You are such a great inspiration and teacher! Thank you so much for allowing me to help out with this!
And most of all, thank you Father, for allowing us to be used by You to spread the message of the importance of modesty to any of the ladies that were able to attend the MFS.
Music Monday: "Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart
I don't know why....
This uber comfy outfit is perfect for a rainy Labor Day! We watched movies and just enjoyed each other's company! It was great and so relaxing!
...but this outfit reminds me of the song "Sunglasses at Night"! I guess because Moma tells me that the style of vest I'm wearing was popular in the 80's. That's the only logical explanation I have!
We had a let's-not-plan-anything-and-relax kind of Labor day, which was great! So this is LurlynnCrochet all natural, no make and unwashed hair!
This uber comfy outfit is perfect for a rainy Labor Day! We watched movies and just enjoyed each other's company! It was great and so relaxing!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
One Lovely Blog Award!
Thank you Naomi for this award! The rules of receiving this award is to tell 7 random things about myself and award it to 15 other bloggers :-)
7 Things:
1. I love to read and crochet! I've done both from a young age.
2. I LOVE modest fashion! Can't ya tell from my blog? :-)
3. After far too long of having irregular Bible study patterns, I recently started a new Bible study method created by Cindy Colley. If you're interested in this method, you can go to her blog or the Facebook page :-)
4. I'm 20 years old and live at home with my parents and two little cousins.
5. I was recently blessed by being given the opportunity to help organize the Modest Fashion Show at Polishing the Pulpit (blogpost about it coming soon :-)
6. I love my drive to and from work. Not too long, not too short. I love blarring music from my granny car :-)
7. I aspire to follow in the footsteps of Christian women such as Cindy Colley and Shelia Butt, not only as a writer and speaker, but also as a wife and mom.
And I award...
Amy A.
Melissa L.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Lazy Day Hair
When you're hair looks like this...
Do this...
Do this...
I was off yesterday and didn't want to was my hair or do my make up (my hair was clean, just messy :-) So whenever I've got messy hair my want to look somewhat decent, a French braid is the answer! I like to do mine to the side of my head, rather than straight down the middle. A quick and easy fix!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Music Monday: "Harder Than The First Time" by BarlowGirl
Wow, this song REALLY fits my week! Digging Deep in God's Word has taken off like wildfire! I've never been more excited about Bible study! Let me say that I was really excited about this Bible study before I formed the group. In fact, I formed the group because I was so excited! I wanted to share it with people on Facebook! My Bible study habits haven't been what they've need to be in a long time. I'm so thankful for this push to get back on track! If you're wanting to dig deep to the meat of God's word, check out the Digging Deep group on Facebook or check out Cindy Colley's blog for a great month-by-month Bible study method that inspired the group!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Recap of Come Fill Your Cup Podcast
(Photo Credit)
Let me say that listening in live and participating in the chat of today's episode of "CFYC Espresso!" was not only encouraging and uplifting, it was also a ton of fun! Erynn Sprouse interviewed Mrs. Cindy Colley about the Bible study method that inspired the Facebook group "Digging Deep in God's Word." Cindy talked about the Bible study method, the Facebook group and answered questions from the chat room. I feel like I'm rambling here, but I'm just so excited about the Bible study method she's come up with, how fast the Facebook group has grown, being able to listen live and participate in the podcast! I love it!
The actual podcast was very encouraging, but so was the chat that was going on while the podcast was being recorded! One of the questions I asked was how would Cindy suggest one to get started writing and speaking. Some of the ladies in the chat room were like "Great question!" I mentioned that writing/speaking is a goal of mine, and then BAM! some of the ladies were encouraging me, saying that they could see me speaking and suggesting ways to get your writing out. It was great! A little bit of encouragement goes a LONG way! Thank you so much ladies!
I want to share a quote from Cindy today:
"Okay, it's just a promise from me. If you do this study for a whole year, you will never again say, 'I don't know how to study the Bible. I just don't know where to start,' because you will have so many unanswered questions; and God has the answers. He has all of the answers for all the issues of life in His book."
If you aren't reading Come Fill Your Cup or Bless Your Heart you are missing out on much encouragement and blessings, so go read them :-)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Come Fill Your Cup Live Podcast!
(Photo Credit)
Come Fill Your Cup is doing a live podcast with Cindy Colley on the Bible study method of Digging Deep! And you can join in on the action (to join the chat click here)! The live podcast will be taking place on Friday, September 2, 2011 at 9am Central time. So, if you're interested, go fill your cup tomorrow morning :-)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Digging Deep Into God's Word
This year at PTP, Cindy Colley did a 3 part study on deep Bible study. I really like this method! So, starting September 1st this will be my method for Bible study, and I'm asking you to join me! I created a Facebook group called "Digging Deep in God's Word" if ya'll would like to join. We can encourage each other along the way! (For the month by month study click here).
***Note*** The page was created just 3 days ago and already there are 749 members! God is so good!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Music Monday: "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns
This weekend Moma and I attended the "This Is War!" seminar at the West Huntsville congregation. While I'm not going to do my full blog post on it just yet, I want to share a few quotes from Mrs. Shelia Butt that made me think of today's "Music Monday" song.
"We lose our children one tiny little decison at a time."
"When you're in a famine, things that were once precious become cheap. We must cherish our purity!"
"Where there's a famine the distinction between right and wrong, black and white, becomes gray."
"Good and evil are never blurred in God's eyes."
"Sometimes we have become so open minded that our brains have fallen out!"
"Satan wants to destroy your marriage and family. He might use bad things, but he very well could use good things to take you away from your family because you are so busy! ... Remember, your family is your first mission field."
"Always do what pleases my Father in Heaven."Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I Heart Coral Tulle
It's been a while since I've done an outfit post!
This outfit is a new favorite of mine!
I love how slimming the jacket is when zipped.
Here are some just for fun edits :-)
This outfit is a new favorite of mine!
I love how slimming the jacket is when zipped.
Here are some just for fun edits :-)
Coral Tulle
Navy Shirt...VanHeusen outlet (on clearance for $7 :-)
Jacket... I've had it since I was 16. Don't remember the name of the store, just remember it was less than $15
Silver Ballet Flats... Sam and Libby (yard sale for $1!)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Polishing the Pulpit 2011!!!!!
My friend Amy asked for feedback about PTP on her blog. My comment was long enough for a blog post so I decided to post it here! For Amy's blog go here :-)
Oh wow! There are sooooo many wonderful things about PTP!
1) Ok, so I might be playing favorites here, but I really loved the Modesty Fashion Show! Show girls and ladies that you can be modest without wearing a burlap sack is needed! On top of it all, every item (minus the wedding dress) featured was originally immodest but was made modest by adding another piece(s) of clothing! You can buy things in the store that are cute and still be modest! Ok, enough ranting on that![]()
2) The variety of lessons/topics to choose from! Cindy Colley is one of my favorite speakers and I was able to hear her multiple times! There are just so many great lessons! The one that had the most impact on me this week was “Prayer: What to Do When God Says No” presented by Gary Hampton. Let’s just say that lesson had PERFECT timing for me personally.
3) The singing! Like you said, Mrs. Amy, when 1000 plus brothers and sisters sang “Holy, Holy, Holy” that Sunday morning, I was moved to tears! A little glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
4) The fellowship! My family wasn’t able to go this year, so I roomed with friends I met last year at PTP (it was me and 2 other families in a room)! I was able to see both families at Roundhouse last year and one of the families only lives about 2 hours away so I see them every once in a while. But I couldn’t help think throughout the week, “A year ago I didn’t know these people. Now they’re some of my closest friends!” I also couldn’t help thinking how thankful I am for Facebook because it makes it easy to keep up with all the friends I’ve made at PTP!
I agree with Kathy, PTP is like church camp! Late nights, laughter, friends, and all! You just dress a bit nicer and have the luxury of a hotel staffIf you're interested in knowing more about Polishing the Pulpit go here :-)![]()
PS. Could ya'll keep my brother, Rodge, in yall's prayers? He's been sick off and on all summer and tonight we found out that he has mono. He's also in his first few weeks of preaching school. The people there are very understanding of this kind of thing. We're so thankful for that and the fact that we finally know why he's been sick so much.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Music Monday: "Love Never Fails" by Brandon Heath
1 Corinthians 13
1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Thank you Melissa for playing this song on the way to PTP!!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Happy 19th Birthday Rodge!
Today is my "little" brother's birthday!
Yes, he's a year younger and a foot taller!
He hated those suspenders and for me to kiss him!
A VERY rare snow day in February 2010
After Lad's to Leaders...
My 20th birthday :-) Apparently some things never change!
Today is also Rodge's last day of living here. Tomorrow we all go to East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions. He stays and we go home. I'm going to miss him so much but I'm so proud of him! Love you Rodge and happy birthday!
Yes, he's a year younger and a foot taller!
He hated those suspenders and for me to kiss him!
A VERY rare snow day in February 2010
After Lad's to Leaders...
My 20th birthday :-) Apparently some things never change!
Today is also Rodge's last day of living here. Tomorrow we all go to East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions. He stays and we go home. I'm going to miss him so much but I'm so proud of him! Love you Rodge and happy birthday!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Music Monday: "Second Chance" by Shinedown
"I'm not angry. I'm just saying, sometimes goodbye is a second chance."
I don't know about ya'll, but that line of the song really strikes me. Have you ever had someone shut a door on you? I'm not meaning literally shut a door, but whether by actions or by words let you know that your friendship can't move forward or even needs to end. I don't know about you, but sometimes that's a hard thing for me to accept. I have to remind myself that just because someone may have shut the door on me, doesn't me have I to lock them out. This isn't true for every case, but it probably is for most. I can't control their actions, but I can control my reaction. Just something I've been thinking about lately...
Have ya'll ever experienced something like this that ya'll would like to add to my random thoughts?
Isaiah 26: 3
"You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in You."
Isaiah 26:3
Thank you dear friend for sharing this verse with me! I hope all ya'll are having a blessed Lord's day!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Room Redo: Desk Inspiration
I was browsing Craftgawker last night and came across this lovely desk!
This is what it looked like before the makeover:
So I thought..."Hmm, those ugly brown desk are at every thrift store out there. I could do that!" So this is on my to do list! Lord willing this will get done in the next few months :-)
Have ya'll ever made something beautiful that was ugly in it's past life?
This is what it looked like before the makeover:
So I thought..."Hmm, those ugly brown desk are at every thrift store out there. I could do that!" So this is on my to do list! Lord willing this will get done in the next few months :-)
Have ya'll ever made something beautiful that was ugly in it's past life?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Thank You Dear Friend!
My best friend at Purposely At Home wished me happy birthday in the sweetest way :-) Thank you so much <3!!!!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Looking For A Look-Alike
So this isn't an informative or quite frankly very entertaining blog post. This post is a virtual sticky note for myself! I love this bedspread! It's "on sale" at Belk for $179.99. Let's just say out of my price range! But I love it! So I'm on the look out for something similar, and this is to help me remember and to let ya'll know in case ya'll see something like it :-) If you happen to see something similar, please email me :-)
Music Monday: "Realize" by Colbie Caillat and "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay
Have you ever been riding in the car with your mom or dad and a song comes on and they say, "That reminds me of being in highschool!" ? I hear it all the time. Well, when "Viva La Vida" or "Realize" come on the radio, they remind me of being 17 again. I have a specific memory of my 17th birthday and Moma and I are shopping and these songs came on over the store radio. It was the first time I had heard both of them from start to finish and I loved them both! Sure, that was only three years ago, but every time I hear these songs it reminds me of being 17.
What songs remind you of your teen years?
P.S. On a random note, does the Coldplay video have that same strange sort of weirdness of "Dr. Who" or is it just me?
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Music Monday: "People Watching" by Jack Johnson
I don't know about ya'll, but one of my favorite things to do when I'm in a crowd of people is to people watch! Moma and I could do it for hours! I was listening to my David Archuleta channel on Pandora and this song came on. Now I love it! It's from the "Curious George" album (super cute movie by the way!). I don't know many of Jack Johnson's songs, but the music I've heard I've liked. I think that he did all the music on the Curious George movie, but don't quote me on that. Anyway, super cute song and super cute movie!
Do ya'll like to people watch? Have you had any interesting people come to your attention while people watching?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Much To My Surprise...
I've been rather behind on my blog reading since getting home from camp. I was catching up on Flip Flops, Camera Shots, and Happy Thots, one of my best friend's blogs and saw that she gave me an award! Thank you so much! Love you muchly!
The rules after receiving this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog.
2. Pass it along to other deserving bloggers.
3.Reveal seven things about yourself.
1. I LOVE hats!
2. I'm 20 years old and just got my driver's license.
3. I love cute pjs, especially if the have sock monkeys or owls on them.
4. Photo editing is a new hobby of mine.
5.Southern and proud of it, honey child!
6. I like love modest fashion but really don't care what the trends are. I wear what I like whether or not it's "popular"
7. Last but not least, I am a member of the Lord's church and want to do His will in my life.
Now I get to give ya'll the award :-)
Now go check out these great blogs :-)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Just Something Simple
Isn't it funny how differently things look when you see them from a different perspective? I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for the driving instructor to finish everyone else's road test. I was looking out the window and saw the amazing color of this blue/green wall! I've lived in this little town five years and never noticed this wall. There's no telling how many times we've driven past it!
This outfit isn't anything fancy, just something simple, but I love it! And I've had the shirt forever!
Shirt: Gift (American Eagle)
Jeans: Belk clearance rack
Shoes: Yard Sale (Cato)
Necklace: Borrowed From Moma :-) (Yard Sale)
I couldn't resist editing this photo :-)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Sometimes Celiac Disease Isn't Fun!
I was afraid that I'd accidentally eat something I shouldn't while at camp and get sick. Well, I did eat two hamburger patties that had wheat in them. Am I the only one that finds it strange that a hamburger patty would have wheat in it? But thankfully I didn't get sick :-) Everyone in the kitchen were so kind about making sure I had food to eat! Moma sent a lot of food for me to take and there were one or two meals that I could eat that the camp staff had prepared. I really don't like having to ask people to go out of their way, especially when they're busy, like working in a camp kitchen feeding over 200 people, to prepare food for me. I'm perfectly content preparing the food for myself because I know that I'm "picky." :-) At the same time, I feel so loved when someone goes out of their way to make sure I have gluten free food to eat!
Living with Celiac Disease has gotten easier over the years. Moma was diagnosed in 1996 and I was diagnosed six months to a year later. 15 years ago you couldn't just go to WalMart or Winn Dixie and find gluten free food. If you wanted gluten free packaged food you had to go to a health food store, and a lot of it wasn't good! We've tried our share of really bad gluten free food! Now, you can go to pretty much any grocery store and find a decent selection of gluten free items. Our WalMart has a small gluten free section in the baking aisle.
Awareness has really gone up! More and more people who have had health issues their whole life are now finding that the underlying cause was Celiac Disease. It runs in the family, so if you have a family member with Celiac, please get tested! My doctor didn't want to test me because he didn't think that it would be likely for more than one person in an immediate family to have Celiac. I'm thankful Moma insisted because I have it. Last year my brother was diagnosed. If your doctor doesn't want you to get tested, insist on it! If they still don't want to test you, change doctors!
Sometimes it's really hard when people just don't understand that Celiac Disease is an auto-immune disorder, that even though you stick to your diet, you still get sick easier and stay sick longer than a lot of people. It's been hard for me anyway. I've had friends judge me and tell me that I could get healthier if I wanted to, I just had to have the right mind set. If you're dealing with people like that, don't let them get you down! They might mean well, but they are speaking out of ignorance. Not everyone is going to understand what it's like. That's just part of life. We just have to take their comments and move on.
I know this post hasn't really had much direction. It's just been a bunch of random thoughts, but I hope that it has been encouraging to ya'll who have Celiac or know someone who has Celiac. In the future I do plan on doing posts on Celiac Disease with a bit more direction :-)
Here's some more information on Celiac Disease:
National Foundation For Celiac Awareness
Celiac Disease Foundation
Symptoms of Celiac Disease
The Best Book I've Read About Celiac Disease! Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Unconventional: Classy At a Baseball Game
The other night we were at a Biscuits baseball game and I saw this lady waiting in line for food. I couldn't get over how classy and modest she looked in the sea of Daisy Dukes! I was like, "Moma, look at her! I need to get her on my blog!" So... yeah, I walked up to a complete stranger and asked to take her picture! Am I crazy or what? She saw my mom and said, "You can take my picture with her!"
You can be classy and comfortable at a baseball game :-) Don't be afraid to wear something a bit dressier (and a lot more modest!) than those denim shorts!
When do you wear something a bit nicer than expected?
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Driver's License Saga of LurlynnCrochet
(Photo Credit)
So, I'm almost 20 years old and I just got my driver's license. Yes, you heard right, almost 20. I know, most people go on their 16th birthday, but I just didn't like to drive. I'd get nervous. I'd have something akin to a panic attack, but not nearly that severe. I just wasn't comfortable behind the wheel. The only person I was comfortable with was my neighbor, Lacey. Yes, my neightbor was my driver's ed teacher :-)
So, about 2 months ago I decided it was time for me to be a big girl and get my license! And that is what I attempted to do last week. The key word being "attempted."
Where we live, you get there in the morning, and the first 5 people who get there for a road test will be tested that morning. Well, I was number 5. So when she called my number, Daddy and I went in and gave her the needed information and signed the needed forms, got my picture taken, and then we had 2 hours before I could take my road test.
The coffee shop where Rodge and I work is walking distance from the Driver's License office, so Daddy and I went there for some breakfast and coffee. All the regulars were asking why I wasn't working and I informed them that I was about to taking my driver's test. I had half of my small town cheering me on!
The road test was going great! I was confident. The lady conducting the test is super nice. Everything was going great!
Then it came time for the 3-point turn.Cue the "I'm-so-much-like-Anne Shirley-that-I-can't-do-something-this-big-without-something-going-wrong" bell. Yeah. She asked me to do the 3-point and that part of my brain just flat-lined. I couldn't remember anything! I did something like a 3-point, but not exactly like one. So I had to do it again! I was in reverse...
Then I heard the "bump!"I asked the test administrator, "Do I get out now? Do I pull over to the side? What do you want me to do?"
"Pull over to the side of the road and we'll see what you hit, sweetie," she instructed me. It didn't take long to see that I had knocked over a mail box!
I had to call my dad, but I was already in tears! So I handed her the phone, realizing that Daddy had forgotten his cell phone at home! So, we called my boss, she was freaking out (not realizing that I had just hit a mail box, she thought I was hurt)! By the time Daddy and Rodge had gotten there the police officer was there as well. We had to call the police incase the mail box owner wanted to file a report. I was still in tears. Daddy was so sweet and the first thing he did was give me a hug and tell me that it was ok.
We got in touch with the home owner and thankfully he didn't want to file a report since Daddy said he'd repair the mail box. That was a HUGE relief to me!!!! Do you know how embarrassing it would be to have that on my record?
The testing administrator gave me a hug and told me to come back soon! My Daddy was so sweet! The mail box was taken care of before I even got off work that day!
After that whole fiasco I went back to work. There were flowers there but I wasn't really paying that much attention to them, and my boss said they were for me. I looked at the card and almost started crying again! (Moma ordered those that morning before I took the test). I was sniffing, trying not to cry, and then my boss almost started crying (she doesn't cry easily)! I was like, "You can't start crying because if you do I will too!!!" *sighs* Sometimes it's hard working with a bunch of hormonal women!
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, nobody made fun of me, a lot of people encouraged me to go back and try again. And that's just what I did :-)
As of Tuesday LurlynnCrochet has a driver's license! The night before Daddy took me and we practiced the 3-point about 10 times. When it came to that part of the test, I did it and did it well. The testing administrator even clapped for me:-)
You know what the Bible says about the angels in Heaven rejoicing when one sinner repents? Well that's what it felt like when I passed!
It was a good day:-)
PS. The news is on in the background and it said that if current drivers had to go back and take the test, about half of them would fail. Go figure!
Friday, May 27, 2011
LurlynnCrochet Goes to Church Camp!!!
Hey ya'll! I'll be at camp all next week! If I have time to do some blogging this weekend, I'll schedule some posts, but that isn't likely. Hope ya'll have a great week!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Please Excuse Me While I Cry On Your Shoulder...
While writing yesterday's post I started thinking about my brother. I don't know why, but I just did. I was thinking about how excited I was that he will be graduating from highschool on June 5th and how I wanted to post video of his graduation on the blog for friends and family that wouldn't be able to come and for readers who have never been to a homeschool graduation. And how excited I was that he'll be going to East Tennessee School of Preaching in a little over two months. And then it hit me...
Seriously, I am so excited that he's going! I've encouraged him to be a preacher for a few years, but he just wasn't interested. And lo and behold, he announced to us after attending Polishing the Pulpit that he wanted to attend East Tennessee. He's starting a new chapter in his life. He's growing up! I'm so excited! He's spreading his wings and leaving the nest and I couldn't be more proud!
But still, for me, this is bittersweet. We'll still be able to visit and hopefully visit often. I know that when we visit we'll still be able to blare our favorite music while riding in the "granny" car. I know that when we visit, I'll still get to listen to the songs he's written, and hear him sing in his amazing bass voice. I know that when we visit, he and I will be able to pile in my bed and watch movies on my laptop. I know that when we visit, we'll be able to have fun and hang out with our friends in the garage till way past midnight. I know that when we visit, we'll be able to argue about who is the better barista. I know that when we visit, we'll be able to eat chocolate chip cookies and cookie dough till we make ourselves sick. I know that when we visit, he'll lead the song that I request on singing nights at church. I know that when we visit, I'll be able to give him a detailed summary about the latest Karen Kingsbury book I'm reading. I know that when we visit, I'll be able to get a guy's perspective on whether or not the clothes I'm wearing are modest. I know that whe we visit, we'll be able to remember all the fun times we had growing up.
He'll be leaving in a little over two months.Cue the tears. Yeah, I'm an emotional person. I laugh easily, and in this case I cry easily.
Seriously, I am so excited that he's going! I've encouraged him to be a preacher for a few years, but he just wasn't interested. And lo and behold, he announced to us after attending Polishing the Pulpit that he wanted to attend East Tennessee. He's starting a new chapter in his life. He's growing up! I'm so excited! He's spreading his wings and leaving the nest and I couldn't be more proud!
But still, for me, this is bittersweet. We'll still be able to visit and hopefully visit often. I know that when we visit we'll still be able to blare our favorite music while riding in the "granny" car. I know that when we visit, I'll still get to listen to the songs he's written, and hear him sing in his amazing bass voice. I know that when we visit, he and I will be able to pile in my bed and watch movies on my laptop. I know that when we visit, we'll be able to have fun and hang out with our friends in the garage till way past midnight. I know that when we visit, we'll be able to argue about who is the better barista. I know that when we visit, we'll be able to eat chocolate chip cookies and cookie dough till we make ourselves sick. I know that when we visit, he'll lead the song that I request on singing nights at church. I know that when we visit, I'll be able to give him a detailed summary about the latest Karen Kingsbury book I'm reading. I know that when we visit, I'll be able to get a guy's perspective on whether or not the clothes I'm wearing are modest. I know that whe we visit, we'll be able to remember all the fun times we had growing up.
But still, it will be when we visit. It just won't be the same. He won't be right down the hall.I'm the kind of person that likes to enjoy the season of life I'm in to the fullest, so that I may fully enjoy the next season when the time comes. But still, change can be bittersweet. Just because I might cry and seem sad doesn't mean I don't look forward to the future. Normally, if I can have a good cry or two or three or ten, I'm able to fully embrace what is coming around the bend. So, please excuse me while I cry on your shoulder and blow my nose into a tissue. I promise I'm fine.
Things are about to change around here, and I can't wait to see what God has in store.
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